I can't seem to stop drinking for even 1 d

I can't seem to stop drinking for even 1 day. Usually a 750ml of vodka a night. It's been going on for awhile now. I'm really sick of it ruining my life and my family and friends. I feel weak cause I make alcohol a priority over everything. Same old story. I feel shakey and anxious with out it. In turn makes me drink more to feel better. It's such a vicious cycle.

Hey Kristopher. I know how you feel and I’m sure a lot of others on this app can relate too.

It seems like you’re ready to take the first step towards sobriety. What’s your plan to do so?

You don’t have to live like this, and you deserve to feel good!

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To mirror Allie, you aren't alone in you experience. Most of us came to the same point you now stand. You now have a choice to make. If you need any guidance we are all more than happy to help. Also there is a treatment locator in the app. Tap the sobriety help button. If you don't know if professional treatment is for you that is fine too. The telehelp section has a list of places that can advise you over the phone.

You can do this.

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