I can't seem to get past 3 days. I've been

I can't seem to get past 3 days. I've been on a bender for a few months and the cravings are horrible and so is the withdrawal.

I would a meeting everyday. Ask someone to be your temporary sponsor and give them a call daily. Share in the meetings your difficulty. The big book describes Alcoholism as a two fold illness if the mind and body. When we start drinking there is a phenomenon of craving and when we stop our mind has an obsession to it. Try to focus on other activities. I believe in you! You can do this :slightly_smiling_face:

Unfortunately, I don't do AA. After what I went through in 2020 I don't believe in a higher power.

Hey girl, I was just like you and I’m only on day 10 but I’ve been trying to get sober since September. It’s really hard to do it on your own. The more people you have to talk to the better. I also journal everyday. It’s been really helpful reading my old journals and to see how my thinking changes when I’m sober verses when I’m binging. Find what works for you and stick with it! I’m here if you need someone to talk to!

Hi Nichole,

I’ve been there and probably a lot of others can relate as well. Withdrawals can be killer.

Is there anything you can do so that you aren’t doing this by yourself? Someone to keep you accountable while you get through that tough first couple of days?

Have you thought about thinking about higher power differently? It doesn’t have to be the traditional concept of God if you can’t connect with that. The power of this community is a pretty big thing, bigger than ourselves. The fact that we may be strangers right now but we want to help you get sober. Sometimes the community may want sobriety for you more than you want it yourself at any given moment. That’s a pretty big and powerful thing. :two_hearts:

You need someone to talk to, you need to know ITS HARD TO QUIT. But ww we do. When yoy feel like drinking have some candy, milkshake, something sweet. Its hard but gets easier with time

And your higher power doesn't have to be religious! It could be a connection with nature, a connection with music. It could be a creative outlet. Anything that gives your life meaning!

You're not out of line. I've been told the higher power is supposed to look out for you though and unfortunately I've been crapped on (husband had affair while I was suffering PPD at 2 months post partum, him and mistress made fun of my suicidal thoughts. I started drinking A LOT. Confronted mistress, told it was over. It was not. Got sober for 3 months, went to church. Husband resented me for making him stop talking to his mistress. Left me when youngest was 6 months old. Corona hit. 5 months later our divorced was finalized and he wants to "remarry" and be godly". Told me met a woman at the church I tried to get him to go to with our family and was doing AA at. If there's a "higher power" he's a sick fuck that loves to see me suffer. Can't do AA no matter who the higher power is.