I can't right now

I can't seem to get out of my head.. I'm crying cause I want to stop smoking dope. I've been up all night in a state of depression.. I know I'm not alone, but I can't stop feeling alone.. I'm stuck in my emotions right now.

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I can totally relate. I keep playing traumatic events over and over in my head and have a hard time sleeping. I wish I could offer some advice but just know you are not alone. Alcohol is my vice


Have you considered rehab

Hey both of you, I used to feel the same. I’d stay up all night doing whatever drug I had or drinking & crying over How desperate I was and that I couldn’t stop. It got so bad to a point I gave up on living on so many occasions but somehow the universe had other plans for me. i had a really bad night and ended up in a super dangerous situation where I completely surrendered. I was willing to do anything to get sober. I found a treatment center that would take me on a city grant and was introduced to AA. Ive been able to stay sober over 4.5 years but I have to continue to put in the work. It’s worth it though. If you go to treatment, it may help.

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I've been to rehab twice. I was 21 months sober until 3 weeks ago. I keep falling and relapsing over n over. And I just did again today

I think your making more of a thing than it is you sound so desperate just control your self, boredom is what feeds it stop being bored stop caring so much step back for a second and just be like why am I so hysterical just calm down deal with the feeling relax what gets you anxietal what relaxes you drink milk milk will relax you just drink alot of it until you are calm then find something you need to do like clean your room fix your car take out the garbage study to be a journalist I have 20 years sober from everything. boredom is the enemy

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I am sorry you are going through this. I could give you all the same old platitudes, but you know them. Relapsing seems to be parr for the course, so you aren't alone. I find that some go through counseling to combat what you are fighting. It helps them diagnose their triggers. Also try to surround yourself with sober people as much as possible.

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