I can't quit

I can't quit I just keep relapsing it's hard doing it by my self

Hey you don’t have to do it by yourself. Have you tried going to any recovery meetings?

Yes it is but u can do this there is light o the other side

Hi Sergio. We can't do this by ourselves. Try meetings, obtaining a sponsor, and an accountability partner.

Just checking in Sergio. How are you feeling?

Me too

That’s what makes a are about when you need a friend. We’re here. You don’t have to do it by yourself

You have friends here with the same struggles friend!

It is hard by yourself, I’m in same boat. I get bored and drink just to change my mind state of being bored, but I’m now going to hit meetings every night and do what it takes to be sober. I don’t like how I feel waking up drunk anymore. Stay strong

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Awesome plan, Anthony!

I just purchased that AA big book a couple of weeks and just started reading it.
I recommend this .
It helped me to realize how important sponsors and helping and listening to other people with the same problems along with spirituality is to recovery.
I plan now to start going to meetings.

Proud of you.

Helping others is key.

This is true.

We’re here for each other.