I cannot stop drinking. Even when I have a GOOD

I cannot stop drinking. Even when I have a GOOD day, I am compelled to drink at least a bottle of champagne in a very short window of time at night. It’s just part of my routine. Every single night of drinking, I end up depressed and unable to sleep, so why do I still do it?! The only time I take a night off is when I have a migraine (from drinking), and I take pain killers so that I can drink again the next day. Even when I am in bent over in pain because my stomach hurts so bad from drinking the night before, I get wasted again that night. How the hell am I supposed to stop. I have tried quitting over and over again and it feels like I am stuck forever

I know how you feel. it can feel so hopeless at times

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Im in the same boat, it doesnt feel enjoyable anymore. Jst use it to try snd kill something i guess. But hasnt worked

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Nothings' forever

I feel like it can be enjoyable at a few drinks, but I’m never able to stop at just a few

You drink the way I drank. It’s a vicious circle. Do you have a sponsor? Go to meetings? Friends in recovery? i Found it helped when I surrounded myself in AA And had people to check-in with. It’s a day by day, minute by minute deal. Sit on your hands, pray for strength and reach out to a sober community. I know it sounds easy, but it’s not. But it does work if you keep at it.