I can’t post anything

I can’t post anything

This app won’t let me write and post that was the first time I’ve found a way by adding a picture does anybody else have issues with with this crap app!

I changed my status to other from recovery??? And finally I could now I rant about by replying to my own post! This is the most frustrating app I’ve ever used by far!!! Sure doesn’t help the cause​:man_facepalming::disappointed_relieved::pray::pray:

Just tried to edit the last reply can’t do that either what a waste of time this piece of shit is

Hi Thom email support@loosidapp.com. they will look into you issue.

Already have a couple times

Then I assure you they are looking into the problem.

Hi, Thom. I'm not sure if you saw my e-mail yesterday. I informed you that we'll look into it and a resolution was provided. It looks like the resolution worked.

Hi Amanda I just tried a new post and it does the same thing. Also can’t open or even see direct messages so no nothing is fixed other folks are posting why is affecting me?

OK. I saw the issue related to posts. Could you send a screen recording to me about your direct messages?