I can not do this anymore! The pain is too

I can not do this anymore! The pain is too deep!

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I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling this way! Hope you feel better soon!

What’s going on?

So that’s the realization we all have to come to in recovery. Congratulations! We can all help you. You are not alone.

Definitely not alone man! You’re stronger than this disease just believe in yourself

Pain will pass, lean on the community. You are not alone.

Your not Alone..We are here. we got your back..

Reach out to someone, you are behind enemy lines if you are alone. What is the situation in your hometown for recovery/support groups? You can friend me if you need someone to talk to as well…

Don’t give up

We have all been there, you are not alone. Look at all these people, you reached out and BOOM. Support. Me personally I went to AA, I could not open up to my sponsor. I went to a therapist to provide me with support, contradictory evidence to my thought distortions and guide me through my pain. This helped me understand the roll I played and the roll others played in my lived experience in regards to my internal/external views, opinions, core beliefs, etc.. I was honest with my sponsor about my intentions. He said when you are ready we will explore what needs to be explored. I still went to meetings, I did as he asked. Like with the therapist, over time I was able to build rapport with my sponsor were I felt confident being vulnerable with a man. This has been in part my experience and personal preference. My point is there is a solution, you reaching out was the first step. You ready for the next step? Looks like you have plenty of support here to do so. Hope you find what you are looking for. :v:

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Thank you all for the support!! It has helped me get through that dark time, feeling better no by the day!