I can brush my teeth!

I can brush my teeth for 2 minutes without gagging, dry heaving or vomiting.

What are some things normies take for granted that you’ve regained in sobriety?


Oooooofff I remember that every morning. One of the most painful experiences.

I think normies might take for granted the occasional bloat they get from eating or drinking. When you’re a certain alcohol you’re bloated all the time.


Dry heaving, sweating and not feeling well. Detoxing. Don't miss any of it.


Omg! I did the same! Couldn’t hardly swallow food & not gag. Vitamins, forget it! I’m not hungover and waking up at 5am because my body needed to stop aching and have another sip! It’s a vicious damn cycle and mine was Vodka.


I quit vodka when I got divorced. :laughing:. That showed her!!

Sign my name, without it actually being partly scribble. My handwriting is better than I ever thought it was now.

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I've been sick for along time. In and out of the hospital. Had 2 scopes and found a laundry list of GI issues; all because of alcohol. I feel so much better now! I always had issues with brushing my teeth, swallowing pills, eating certain foods, over medicating my stomach while killing my organs. My husband is in rehab and I need to get it together before he gets out; 3 weeks!


Oh man I’d forgotten about the shakes. I’m lefty, so my penmanship has always been suspect, but at least I can read my own writing now.

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Congratulations on feeling better Jamie. You can’t take care of anyone else until you take care of yourself! That’s why your sobriety is the most important thing in your world!!


Retracing the night on my phone was often terrifying. I don’t miss that!

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Thanks Craig!

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Yes, can remember my Amazon purchases


Vodka was my downfall too


I kinda do miss random packages showing up though. :laughing::laughing: I got a great pair of pillows one time that I didn’t recall ordering.

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Being able to fall asleep, stay asleep. No morning throw ups. No hand clenching ( lobster claw) Eating food!

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Yep another reason why I am jumping on the bandwagon of sobriety

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Fishing sober, and enjoying my time on the water. I use that time to talk with God.


Just saw this your funny as hell man I can relate

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