I came to California over two years ago

I came to California over two years ago to get sober. It work and I know have great jobs that I love. My sister had her baby yesterday and now I kinda want to move home and be with my family. I have been home sick for a while.

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The thing you want to weigh out is the negative forces that drove you to use when you were home. Will they return?

It’s totally understandable that you want to be closer to your family especially when there’s a new life to celebrate. I got sober in a different county in my state and after a few years in recovery, I moved back closer to my hometown and where most of my active addiction went down. My sobriety felt strong and I knew my intentions were to reconnect with my family and build new memories in the area. Now, I don’t even associate this area with getting drunk or high - I associate it with my sobriety. As long as you’re confident in your intentions and have a plan to connect with sober folks if and when you go back, you’ll be good :muscle:t3:

Two years of clean time is enough to build a really solid foundation… I think the amount of patience and dedication you've shown for your recovery is amazing. It seems to me like you should be pretty safe to make a move like that.. but I don't know your home situation of course, or what triggers might be waiting for you.

Just keep working a good program and put your recovery before anything else, even your family, because you'll possibly lose them anyway if you go back out. Other than that, from what little I know about you, I think you can at least seriously consider moving back home. Let us know how it goes and stay in touch, especially if you start struggling