I Am Who I Say I Am πŸ’•

I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. I'm beautiful inside and outside. For the longest I didn't know I was. Now, I know I am.


I absolutely agree.


Thanks Larry. :blush:

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Kinda like Popeye said..."I yam what I yam."


Your kind words are a joy to my heart


I love that.

I'm glad to hear. I'm trying to best to love each person as if it were me.

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You're welcome!

Hola Amanda..

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Hello. What are you doing this weekend?

Working tomorrow/ Sunday BBQ at the house ...(AA meetings )

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This is beautiful!!! Can’t wait to get there!


Being exactly who we say we are is good news for some, bad news for others. Depends on timing.... it is good news for me, glad I met you here.

I'm glad I met you.

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You are beautiful Amanda, always kind and inspiring words to everyone on here. Much appreciated :heart:


Thank you, Shanna. That was very kind of you. You made me smile. I appreciate you.

You're an inspiration to us, Amanda. :pray:

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No problem. We're friends now so you should be able to send me a message.

Did you sleep well?

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Thank you, Monica. It took me awhile to realize this. I appreciate you reminding me.

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I want to have a BBQ and s'mores soon. :yum:

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