I am unbelievably overwhelmed

They grow in intensity so much every time I go to stop...and the first time I try is always harder than the last time I used... I want to use...right now...and make it go away...

We all can relate to do something to make us feel better. In many cases it hurts us long term. Finish the thought-what will you accomplish by using?

What emotions have you been feeling lately?

It's like a vacation away from being... Me... Always ready to say yes to anything and never ever no... I don't even consider no as a response.... Ive yet to hear a request that even made me consider no... My feelings are repetitive inn the worst ways when I am alone which is part of the reason I take much satisfaction in doing for others... When I'm around others I enjoy their company and I believe. Most enjoy mine but the feelings are there then too and I'm not in the habit... Not have I ever been a feeling sharer...

I get how you feel Mike. That impulse to get out of ourself can be so strong. Next time you’re about to pick up, do something else instead. Don’t even think twice. A meeting would be a great replacement habit. It won’t be easy but eventually it will become the norm ....

Mike, I know how you feel. I sacrificed my well-being for others all the time. I said yes to people who tell me no regularly. In fact, I can’t recall a time they told me yes.

You gotta say yes to you; and that means you have to put your emotional and mental and physical first.

It’s great you want to look after others. In order to succeed we must pour into ourselves. We can’t pour from an empty cup.

I am in the process of quitting. There is a lot of anxiety I feel and sadness. Not sure what’s going to be next but if I think of what I can do instead of what I can’t or should not it helps to stay positive and calm.

Great tip. We still have choices in our daily lives, and we can make the right ones with every new opportunity