I am trying to begin my sobriety

I am trying to begin my sobriety. I need someone to help me get through my first week! Please!


How far are you along now.

My very first scary day.

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Hi Beth I would also like someone to chat with…I have tried and failed so many times that I do not want to bother my friends or family .. so if you have time to shoot the breeze I would appreciate it. .. thanks and good luck

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Hey - at work until 2, then I have to return at 5. But I'll be checking my phone as I go along. Happy to chat.

Day one of no alcoho?

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Day one here too and I cant even focus to clean anymore. All I wanna do is go get something

First few days are rough. Get to as many meetings as you can and don't give up. Slip ups are normal. Don't beat yourself up if you make mistakes, just get back up and keep going.

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Starting over as well.

Hey! So glad you’ve decided to take this step- it’s so worth it! I suggest getting on here & checking in with us as much as you can & asking as many questions as possible!! We are here to help! Also 12 step meetings are super helpful working a program helped me achieve long term sobriety. also therapy :purple_heart::purple_heart: welcome!

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I've been sober for 9 months


How is it going Beth? Still sober?

I am trying to get sober again. Maybe we can be accountability buddies.

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I'm only on day 3 and its so hard. Woke up thinking how I could get high today but am actively choosing to be on this app instead of texting my connect. Very hard day today.

Are there any legitimate sponsors for male or females in or on this app*?

Hi all. As they say the newcomer is the most important person in the room. Relapse is part of my story and counting days is courageous. Get to a meeting. There are zoom meetings 24 hours a day. Share at every meeting like your life depends on it… because it does. Get numbers and use them. This all takes practice and feels weird at first. However, openness and honesty will attract many mentors into your life. Recovery is about finding yourself and you will learn so many tools. Just be open and willing. And, remember (it took me a long time to realize this)…. drinking/using won’t actually solve any problem. It just makes it worse. Don’t drink, don’t think & make a meeting!

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