I am too depressed to get out of bed

I am too depressed to get out of bed.

Hello Maureen,
I completely understand. Sometimes for me rest is good for my mind and my body.
Try to think of something other then the past. Depression is mostly when we ruminate about our past trauma or events. We must except the past on become more in the present. Be proud of yourself today. Celebrate one thing about you that you love?

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Hi Maureen. I was in the same predicament the last two days after a week bender in Vegas. Due to the amount of alcohol used my depression skyrocketed and Kevin is correct… typically we ruminate on our past whether that be years ago, or yesterday. A suggestion I can provide you is this. If you need the rest then rest, watch some movies maybe as a distraction. But I know for me I have to force myself into getting up and doing the simplest of tasks… such as just making my bed, washing my face/brushing my teeth, eating a little something… and typically one task ends up into getting a lot of things done. That’s where I’m at today… but still struggling as my body and mind are still detoxing from the last week. If you need someone to talk to feel free to add me

Thank y’all so much. Do y’all live in Wilmington NC??

I’m in southern CA

I'm in North Carolina. Other side tho.

Sorry that sucks. Do you have any music that you love that can at least get you moving? When I was drinking all day everyday and depressed I would try to put something on Netflix that I knew would make me laugh, or at least smile. It helped a lot. Hope tomorrow is better for you

I’ve been there. All I can say in way of advice is don’t let depression decide your actions. If you do it will always win.

Thanks y’all feeling much better today. A little nervous though

I'm glad you are feeling better.

Why are you nervous?

Just feeling nervous. I’m cool now. Going to bed early. Goodnight y’all

Life is wonderful! Be thankful for your life!! Today, go out and make a difference in someone’s life!!