I am struggling! I am thinking about relapsing big time

I am struggling! I am thinking about relapsing big time. This month is so hard for me because I am planning my son’s graduation party. Yes there is going to be alcohol there. But if you know me than you know my drug of choice and I use alcohol to cover that up. But when drunk I want it even more. This is unbearable because I have worked so hard to get where I am at. Am I going to throw it all away?

Hello Tina how are you doing today

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Good and bad all at the same time

Here's what I might do: Take breaks and make phone calls to sober friends. Why not invite a sober friend to the event for support?

Remember: You do not have to drink or use, even if you want to.

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Great suggestion,invite a sober friend to the event..You have worked so hard to get here so be strong and don’t throw it all away.We all love you


Yes, people. I didn't get 3 years, 7 months and 2 days by myself. I have had a lot of support. If I isolate or try to do too much by myself I have less of a chance of succeeding. Thanks.

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I'm here for
You momma dot do it ! It will ot make your life and ur life a mess think of your son first show him you are not weak ! Get a sponsor go to a meeting I always go to one when I want to drink or feel alone or sad always coming out feeling grateful and hopeful for a better version of myself for myself

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Thank you everyone for the support. I had a hard day yesterday. Had to finally say screw it and go to bed. But I made it. I think I am much better today.


Congrats! I’m still working on my recovery as well. Looking to find a sponsor, someone that I can call and talk to when having moments of weakness that has been there before and can talk me out of using again! Haven’t found one yet, but I know it would help A LOT! I had a relapse a week ago myself, felt like I was going through like a late onset withdrawal that was very mild, but the uncomfortable feelings I was getting was enough for me to fail. Had I been able to call my sponsor (if I had one) I really think it would have helped me

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I am glad your back at it. The urge to use was so bad yesterday. But it has passed. If you need someone to talk to I am here maybe we can lean on each other.

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I’m our AA program. We don’t drink no matter what When attending a social gathering we pray for Gods grace to help us through. We see what we add. Rather than what we can get. Trust completely in God to get you through.