I am so sad ,depressed, lonley, hating myself

I am so sad ,depressed, lonley, hating myself. I'm not sure how to get through this. Are there any answers


Physically go to a meeting and be 100% transparent with the group. Acknowledge where you are at but remain solution focused and see if there is something you can do to help someone else. It works.


Actually your right, someone from this app I was talking to then suddenly they disappeared then a month later I heard from him again. He explained to me how I helped him so much and he was in rehab that time he disappeared and he talked alot about me in rehab cuz he thought it was great that someone going through all that I am still had time and concern for him. Anyways that made me feel sooooooo good. I was happy all day that day. That's what I'll do. Try to help someone


Do you know what's causing all your feelings? May I suggest getting them on paper in a mini 4th Step and do a 5th Step with your sponsor or someone who has worked the steps?

Are you in early sobriety? Your feelings are normal and okay. It isn't okay to wallow in them and rest on our laurels.

And what always helps is working with another alcoholic/addict. ALWAYS helps me to give to someone else. ALWAYS!

As you give , you will receive.


Excerise. No matter how small. Even if it's just jumping up and down a few times. It's the only thing that's starting to get me out of my funk

Find a support group you can be 100% transparent with also I like to get my feeling out on paper it helps me to figure out why I’m feeling that way and work on it

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Tomorrow is another day, prey for a sunshine day a spiritual experience, then hold on to your ass your going for a ride

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Self-hate is the biggest issue based on what you said. I'm sorry you're experiencing this emotion. :pensive: Do you have a therapist you can speak with?

I surf through a life called crazy, my relationships and few friends that are leaning towards unhealthy don't help sometimes, but I keep trying, and don't drink, the 1 meeting place out here is controlled by a few, pthat can be a bad thing some times, I have seen people not make it because of a few clicks,don't let them, you can do it..

I have had depression my whole life but a meeting and working with others plus hobbies have saved my bacon more than once!

I agree with most here. Find some meetings. Work some steps with someone... I used to spend my summers in Boone. It’s a nice place. Gotta get out and live.

You’ll make it if you follow through.

We all know you’re a scammer of some sort, but why do you keep bumping all these old posts? You’re really terrible at this.

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Go to a meeting I guarantee you will leave there feeling loved and hopeful because there is help but remember a closed mouth does not get fed !

Thank you :pray:

It gets better if we are doing what is suggested to us. But if we're not making any changes and incorporating the program into our lives then nothing will change.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Great advice Sunshine!

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Check out JW.org
Choose from the topic of your interest. After all this website is the most translated in the world. For what reason?

In the meetings, the fellowship will love you until you learn to love yourself. Do not hate yourself. God put you on this earth for a reason.

Your in control, take charge you can do it