I am really struggling

I am really struggling with alcohol, anxiety, and depression right now.

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Thank you very much for the encouragement, and words of inspiration! Happy New Year!!Are you able to talk?

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Talk further I meant, in a non inappropriate way.

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Hey Rebecca, what type of help do you think would be most helpful for you right now? Rehab, therapy, local support group, online meetings, recovery coach, or something else? There are plenty of 12-step and non-12-step options available.

Hi Rebecca. I'm sorry you're struggling. Send me a private message when you want to talk. I'm sending you a friend's request now.

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I am not really sure. Any suggestions?

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Well, without knowing anything about you and your situation, I'll give you some generic advice that's typically a great starting point for most people.

Your addiction (i.e., compulsive behavior) is a symptom of your feelings, your feelings are a symptom of your thoughts, and your thoughts are a symptom of your beliefs.

In other words, your beliefs impact how you think, your thoughts impact how you feel, and your feelings impact how you behave.

As you can see in the diagram, this cycle also works in reverse: your behavior impacts your feelings, and your feelings impact your thoughts.

The good news?

You can change what you believe and how you think.

It's called neuroplasticity.

You can learn more about neuroplasticity and how to use your mind effectively to become addiction-free and addiction-proof by reading my article on https://www.unaddictable.org/beliefs.

Otherwise, feel free provide some details about your situation, goals, and preferences, and I can provide some specific suggestions for you.

I sent you a friend request so you can DM me if you prefer to chat privately.