I am on day one after a three day bender

I am on day one after a three day bender. So lonely and can't find a sponsor.

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You are sober today and that’s huge. Remember that. Try and hit a meeting today, reach out on here. Surround yourself with other sober people (in person or virtually). You’re not alone. There’s a strength that comes in admitting this and wanting to be sober. I believe in you.

I take each day one minute at a time, don't get down on yourself and just try to stay positive, remember that you are sober today, and have the desire to be sober, it's a start and a good one, I believe in you!!! You can talk to me if you want to, I've relapsed myself a couple times but have been sober now a year and a half, each day is a struggle but I'm taking each day one at a time, try not to get overwhelmed.. I'm no certified sponsor or anything but anytime you feel the urge or need some inspiration please don't hesitate to reach out to me!!

There are other options AA is not the only one. smartrecovery org has been around for 25 years and has techniques more suited to our current lifestyle check it out

Hi, Kim. How are you? Did you contact AA, SMART Recovery for a sponsor?

Hey Kim, how are you doing now?