I am new to this app. I’ve been battling these

I am new to this app.I’ve been battling these same demons for many many years I mange to get a little clean time together then I screw up, the sad thing is I really really want to get clean and stay clean! I’m tired of being sick and tired I’m tired of the same cycle I just need support, No one in my family understands nor do they care to. Even though they are alcoholics and pop pills, I’m a drug addict because my choice isn’t legal! But ok! I just want the clean sober and happy me back


Hi Shelia. You can have it back. You must stop caring about what your family thinks- you are doing this for you. You can't rely on a support system. Don't get me wrong: we need one. And you'll get one. You have one here. You just can't let your clean life be dependent on people who don't care nor understand.

Get into a meeting ASAP. Go to www.na.org to find one and ask for a sponsor. Build relationships with our Loosid members. These are people you trust and can reach out to if you're struggling. The same goes for meetings.

Get a detox.

You have it in you to get clean.


Thank you Amanda!

Hi Ms. Shelia. I can relate with the family stuff. My Dad is an alcoholic, and so am I. And for the longest time I found myself comparing myself to him, and found myself using those thoughts to justify most of my bad judgement. (Not saying that you are doing the same.) But I think it's best to focus on yourself and surround yourself with people who support you and want you be as clean as you want to be.
Go to meetings, take it one day at a time.
You got this.

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Thank you and no I think I do do the same, and I also like to say “well your the reason I get high because you did this or you done that!” When I just wanted to get high” but I think my job also has sooo much to do with my sobriety also just last night I had to give CPR to a girl that had overdosed on heroine I am a front desk clerk at a hotel that doesn’t have the best reputation so today I made the decision to put myself first! I dont want that to be me and if I continue to work here it eventually will be, Now I can say I truly believe everything happens for a reason!

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With you, Sheila!

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Right there with ya. Just keep doing you. The ones you love will be there when they realize what they’re missing.

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The beginning is hard but keep your chin up and your eyes on the prize. You got this💪

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Just take things one day at a time.

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