I am having a hard time& my relationships are at

I am having a hard time& my relationships are at jeopardy , I cant keep on doing this anymore, why do I keep on going back to the one thing that hurt me? I hate Alcohol

Highly recommend attending meetings. AA.org or NA.org . 90n90. Welcome home. You r not alone. Keep coming back

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Thanks, I just need to stay clear from alcohol

I totally feel you on this. You got this. One moment at a time!

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Its to the point where my friends dont wanna deal with me but last time we all were drinking so I know what I gotta do im 3 days in

Sometimes its hard for people to understand the struggle with alcohol if they aren’t going through it themselves. But you’re in the right place, you have friends and support here. If you ever want to chat I’m here for you. You can do this, stay strong

Drinking friends aren't real friends.


Thank you!! Ill dm you

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You do not need a relationship right now. Relax. Enjoy. Freedom is priceless

By nature you’re gonna go back to what you know and have established as habit.

Gotta get in rooms and make some hard immediate changes and stick to them. Fill the behavior and habit voids of the ones you need to get rid of.

I pretty much filled all my spare time with the rooms for my first few months Depending on where you live it’s a great option. Even if they’re far, you make it into an afternoon project on a weekend. And then a second at night. So on and so on. You can always start using your time differently later. But for now, breaking those repetitive habits of messing up, and replacing them with good ones is paramount. Simple simple simple. Keep it that way for a while. As long as you’re staying clean/sober, you’re getting through the hard parts. It starts getting easier later.

“What did you have to change?”…..

“Everything”. :man_shrugging: