I am going to try this again. Day 1 no alcohol

I am going to try this again.

Day 1 no alcohol.
I am sick of killing myself. I want to be strong enough to face the suffering in my life without adding to it. Adding to the suffering of those I love. My life is a huge struggle right now but maybe I can rise above it. Maybe I can be a better person.


Hey there Sunflower and welcome back! I'm going to make a subtle suggestion: Be careful with the word “try,” because it implies the possibility of failure. If it were me I'd say “I'm not using or drinking today!”

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.



CONGRATULATIONS, as well for you wanting to stop. That says “you have a great deal of fight in you”

Also, not knowing the amount you took in daily or much in general, and not trying to worry you but, depending on the amount of intake, you may want to go into a detox for alcohol. That my seem like the safest place because if you're drinking a lot day or night, they wouldn't want to abruptly stop. Try calling a few places in your area. And MOST IMPORTANTLY, be honest. No need to be embarrassed. No I could be so wrong and I'm sorry but I just always rather rather give people too much information than not enough. You can do it.nyou really can :heart:

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Sunflower. You are back. That is what matters. You have already completed step #1. We are proud of you. Don’t let a slip bring you down. I had one person actually tell me I was a ferocious alcoholic. I drank 1.75ml vodka per day. I got so sick of people telling me it gets better. I had to learn to take suggestions and they were right. I celebrated 1 year on Halloween. Now there are some days I don’t even think about booze. Connect with people and take it one day at a time or even one minute at a time. You can do it!

Start attending AA meeting or Celebrate Recevory mettings

Today is my first day too

Recognizing that you have an issue takes a great amount of strength. Most refuse or can't see it. Keep moving forward, one step at a time. I always hated it when people told me that when I was in treatment or institutes but it rang more and more true as time went on. Sometimes take it day by day, sometimes hour by hour, shit, even minute by minute. You can do this. One day clean is one more day that no one could ever take away from you. It's yours forever.

You are a good person. You just struggling with a disease. Sunflower,which by the way is a great unique name. Next time you get the urge to drink you get online here and say something to somebody. Divert your attention, do whatever you have to do not to drink. there's obviously something that's causing you to stumble,what do you think it might be?
