I am feeling lost and without purpose today

I am feeling lost and without purpose today

Think of something you like to do and do it.

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Find someone to connect with. Hit a meeting. Try to help someone. You can do this. Many days I have that feeling and make myself find a purpose for that day.

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I can totally relate Temple. I wish I had the magic potion to make this go away. At times I step back and relax. I eat my favorite foods, get a good nap, turn off my ringer, and do something fun; and that helps me focus.

Though your feelings are valid and common please remember you have a purpose.

I suggest reading

Thanks for sharing. Putting it out there and reaching out might be your purpose today. I’m guessing you’re not alone.

Try this. :-).

Days like that are the worst. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and try to take it easy. For me, when I’m feeling that way, I give myself a pat on the back just for doing “simple” things like getting out of bed, taking a shower, or doing the dishes. Celebrate the small victories :partying_face: