I am curious if anyone has noticed changes of their

I am curious if anyone has noticed changes in their dreams when sleeping, since sober. Please share your thoughts.


Not gonna lie, I’ve had a lot of sex dreams haha. Also nightmares. I’m waiting to have normal dreams.


A lot of dreams of my ex & her boss she f#*€ked & sucked so she can f#*€k again, then of my eldest son who I haven’t seen, but 4 months sober & counting so hopefully they’ll subside, but dealing with a pathological liar constantly like her, who knows when that’ll ever happen.

I did the first month, now I never remember dreams

How many days in are you?

Yes but they went away

When I was in early recovery I had many intense emotional dreams. Most of them about using. Still have those types of dreams every once in a while.

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Not so much dreams but I would wake up holding my breath like I had just hit the pipe and was holding the smoke in. That went on for years.

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I still have drunk dreams after 3 years. They suck

Lucid dreams, out of body experience, re-awakening dreams. & age of subject.


Dreams definitely get more vivid for me often in early sobriety. Also, using or drinking dreams which can kinda range from somewhat pleasurable and exciting to downright nightmarish and soul crushing (kinda like using in real life could feel at times I guess now that I think about.) O yea, and I guess I’ll admit sex dreams are a nice reprieve from that.

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Hang in there Jade. I tried what you are doing and it didn't work for me. Just keep trying and don't give up. Lmk if you want to talk more.

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I am 86 days sober and it is crazy like yesterday I wake up like with hungover I talked about it in my home group they told it is normal
My sponsor told me the same my goodness it was crazy

Mine aren’t of me running or screaming anymore. And I sleep throughout the nights now it’s been about 2 years already and I’m 4.5 years clean and sober

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My dreams seem to be coming back to me now- while I was drinking I would have drunken dreams that I’d seldom remember! Recently I’m remembering them again!

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My dreams became more vivid a few months in. Sleeping through the night without anxiety helped me sleep better. I couldn't believe that it had been 15 years since I had a good night's sleep

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Got married - found a decent job - had three kids - happily retired