I am coming off of MATs, alone, because the sober

I am coming off of MATs, alone, because the sober living I was up continued to up my dose. I have taken 2mg or maybe less... but I haven’t slept, my body aches so bad. My stomach hurts. I’ve been up all night. I took Tylenol and Benadryl trying to go to sleep. It hasn’t helped.
Any suggestions!

Honestly the only thing that works for me is Trazadone, pretty benign but helps with sleep and a mood stabilizer


I am allergic to Trazadone. I have tried taking non narcotic muscle relaxer, and I have amitriptyline. During the day when I am busy it helps, but nights are the absolute worst 

As well as the first 2 hours in the morning, when I am trying to get up and motivated to begin my day

You don’t want to over medicate…But see and we had a pretty intense debate on this site… I’m a medical marijuana patient and that helps me sleep tremendously more so than trazodone

People refer to that now as Cali-Sober, I never heard that term before but I use medical marijuana for medicinal purposes and I love it

See if you’re doctor can get you on remron or mirazapine I’ve been taking it for 3 1/2 years same dosage works like a charm. 6-7 hours of sleep and no hangover feeling in the morning