I am an alcoholic and I am spirally

I am an alcoholic and I am spirally. My family has cut me off and I am begging for help. I don’t want to go away again but I do want help. I don’t want to live this way anymore.

I recommend you check out Hope House Treatment Center. It has helped me tremendously.

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Your community probably h
Has a place to help you.Please go,and ask for help.This level of humility,will save your life.

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Hi Linda, it sound like putting time element in between your drinking and recovery is a issue, a normal for a early recovery, once your at that tipping point, and get that higher power in your life, it will be a crazy ride hold on tight, we are resistant to change, but change and pain are real, it may get worse before it gets better ,no promises accept the promises..

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Admitting it is the 1st step. When I decided to get sober, I entered myself...I was tired of being tired, lost, a monster in my own home. You change is very scary to us or I can’t drink forever is a lot to handle. So one day/1 minute sometimes! Go to meetings & like I did I went sometimes in the beginning 2 or 3 meetings a day. It really does work if you work it. Be strong & have faith in your higher power. You sound like you definitely need to talk.

1st step is admitting, I went to detox 3 times and went to Florida for treatment, it was a tough decision being away from my 2 year old, but I’d rather be away for 3 months than not be in his life at all. my ex wife still doesn’t get what I go through. my family besides my sober aunt and my mother have kinda cut me off. But it’s about you and be selfish about you and your recovery right now. the community is the best way to stay sober and recover. Meetings, hotlines, treatment centers. IOP, sober living. It’s all available. I hope this helps. Reach out to anyone who is sober. I’ve been sober since august of last year.