I am a drug addict

I am stupid.

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Thank you :blush:


Keith, you are not stupid. We all make mistakes. We all have things to fix. While those things vary person to person it doesn't make 1 less valuable than the other. Though you're struggling doesn't mean your value descreases.

You are here. We are grateful for that. I challenge you to tell me 3 things you are good at.

  1. Isolating
  2. Starting my life over
  3. Worrying

Why would u say that..,u are not stupid. U might make stupid decisions


Addiction doesn't mean you are stupid. Addiction is a disease. It may be a contacted disease, but it is no less a disease than anything else. It is also treatable. This is the big thing to know, you are not alone.


Your not stupid, becoming sober is one of the best things someone with an addiction can do. So today your sober. Stupid is a term we throw around at times when our self esteem needs some work. Being able to feel proud is what you should try to achieve just for today. Each day that feeling proud will help erase the negatives. You can do it.



I hate waking up.

My first thought was makes two of us. Then my other personality spoke up and said “actually that's not true!”


I thought i was stupid for getting high all these year but i am clean off every thing by the grace of god i would like to tell you you are not stupid you are here calling for help and i will try my best to get you through this you are not alone


Whoa! C'mon Keith, you know that is just not true. You obviously care about yourself because you are HERE with US. Sure, sometimes WE do stupid things, but that's everybody. You're certainly NOT stupid for seeking recovery and talking about how you feel. Please, keep coming back. :pray::+1::statue_of_liberty:

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I feel like you're right but I still feel a stigma being an addict. I feel like.people dont accept it 4 a disease

I dont have what it takes to repeat the cycle of re-starting my life.

That is one of the reasons loosid was started. It is also the main reason for the get loosid challenge, and the videos created by the CEO of the company.


I used to beat myself up all the time for being an addict, but it’s not your fault you were born with a gene inside of you that makes it next to impossible to quit drinking/using. I felt like I had to restart my life tons of times as well and kept moving around to different cities for a “new start” always falling into the same old BS . I went to treatment & got into working the 12 steps and that helped me a lot. once I had some clean time I stopped hating myself so much & realized that it really is a disease. The stigmas remain tho and people are definitely a bit taken aback once i mention i used to shoot dope. But as time goes on the less I feel it’s effect.

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When you get sober you’ll love it


Admittance and steps taken to correct said addictions is huge, I'm a multiple addict, on day 29..its hard,but it's also really good to feel things again

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Ty for sharing.