I am 6 months and 9 days sober. I know

I am 6 months and 9 days sober. I know 6 months isn't a long time for many, but for me, it's the longest time I have been clean since I was 12 years old. And I am SO damn proud of myself, considering what I've been through to get this far! I no longer wake up in the morning and dread living, I no longer have to worry about where I'm getting my next "fix." I no longer look in the mirror and cry my fucking eyes out and hate the person I seen staring back at me. I no longer want to die. I want to thrive! I can actually say I'm content and living my life for the first time SOBER! I love myself FINALLY and nobody is going to ruin that for me! I worked too damn hard for this and I'm NEVER going to give up. I'm actually ecstatic to see what the future holds for me and so VERY grateful to have another shot at life.. So anyone who thinks, they can't do this, yes you can! I did it and it's amazing! I promise you it's worth it in the end. Just take it one minute, one hour, or one day at a time. It does get better! You will feel better! I will support and encourage every single one of you through your journey, every step of the way. It's never too late.
#sober #onedayatatime #dontgiveup


Great job. You should be proud of yourself!


I'm almost on 7 days. 6 months seems like a lifetime to me! Congrats!


Congratulations on your time! 24 hours can seem like an eternity, especially when one is struggling. I really identity with what you have written. Today, I can look in the mirror and like what I see. There's no turning back for me now. I've worked so hard to get the time that I have. Yesterday was actually really difficult for me, but luckily I have learned how to use the phone. I have a sponsor and a pretty big support group, plus a therapist, a shrink and a couple of doctors. This time I'm using everything at my disposal to stay clean and to live and enjoy life without using. Recovery feels good. Thanks.

It's the attitude we have as we make it through each day the outkook we have as we embark upon the next. That's how I look at it. Keep it up!

6 months is a long time and something you should definitely be proud of. Take pride in the things you accomplish and dont discredit them. 6 months is huge! And the great news is that those 6 months are tougher than the next 6. Good work! Keep pushin✊🏼

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You are truely a miricle. Keep upthe greay work. You deserve it.

I'm so proud of you I'm in New Smyrna Beach Florida and have 101 days today I'm stoked

I’m on day 4. your dedication is amazing! So proud of you

Congrats on 101. so awesome!

Thanks for sharing. :muscle:

Awesome😁 thanks for the share, stories like yours help people so much.

Keep it up! Stay close to the fellowship!

Congrats!! Keep coming back!

Congratulations! That's awesome!!!

How awesome! I cabt wait to get to that point as well. Keep going!