I always feel so bad around this time of night

I always feel so bad around this time of night. I randomly feel down off and on throughout the day, but I can't really find as distinct of a pattern. Every night, just after midnight, I just get so depressed, and angry.

It's like time flips an internal switch that opens the flood gates to all of my anxieties, regrets, and frustrations. I almost don't even need to look at a clock anymore.

Is anyone else dealing with something similar?

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You can continue to try fight it or accept this is your sad time and really reflect why and why it's ok to have these feelings or whatch dr. Ruth. Up to you

Since working on getting sober, I found it harder to sleep. Most of my anxieties and thoughts go crazy when I lay down for bed. I am not sure if that's what you are experiencing. For me exercising and trying to workout my negative energy helps, even if it's just a short walk outside. I also work with a counselor and try to talk things out with my support systems, although it's hard to do sometimes. I try to be kind and patient with myself. Remind myself it's time to sleep and rest my body because it needs it. I don't know if any of that will work for you, but I do hope you can find some relief. It takes awhile for our body and brain to adjust without substances, it's just part of the process.

When laying down to go to sleep I try and think of all the things I’m grateful for. thank Whatever it is for keeping me sober one more day.

@janell89024 I also struggle very much with falling asleep. It was something I subconsciously turned to substances for and while I’ve had a lot of wonderful improvements in sobriety, that struggle has stayed persistent. I do many of the same things you mentioned but I’m also wondering if you might have some more advice or if perhaps time will help? I’ve been about 3 months so hoping it gets better as I deal with the underlying issues causing the sleeplessness but also need some tools in the meantime. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Ever since I was little Idk what it is but I could never sleep at night. Once I quit drinking I got diagnosed with ptsd and I have such a hard time sleeping at night. But I am so tired all the time. Its awful sometimes. Im trying to move around and do more tasks lately. Trying to stick to a schedule or routine helps me a lot. That might work for you possibly? I also try to drink “ sleepy time” tea or calming teas such as tea de tila or chamomile. If its intrusive or anxiety filled thoughts I get up and just write down everything in my head. Or i reach out to someone about it. Those are alot of things i mentioned and its harder to do then to say but with time it might be easier. I know im still working on it lol.

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