I about 60 days sober and I just got out

Since I’ve been out I missed the community that I was a part of in rehab it almost feels like every waking moment or even my sleepless nights I had someone to talk to I understood. I do come from a very supportive family more or less I think too supportive because now my life is underneath a microscope and I feel suffocated my anxiety level is up I do suffer from mental health issues such as bipolar I am on a mood stabilizer but today I got a bit overwhelmed and they’re thinking now I’m backtracking and I’m not if anyone has any advice I would like to receive it thank you

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Being released from a safe environment to the "real world" is SOOOOOO hard!! I applaud and appreciate your courage to reach out and share. It's normal to be scared when released from rehab.

There are 24-hour online meetings during COVID. Please keep sharing and reaching out. Go to 90 meetings in 90 days. Get a sponsor who has worked the steps. I suggest getting one from a Big Book Study.

Also remember. You are here! You were blessed with another day sober that most alcoholics and addicts don't get.

I am sober so many 24 hours that I'm considered an Old Timer.:laughing: I'm 51 and got sober at 17.

I am here for you.


i love your post...im struggling today and just trying too get thru day 1!


You can do it I promise you you can it’s hard . You can reach out to me whenever you need to . You can and will get through this

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Thank you so much Chaya I really appreciate your inspirational kind words :heart:

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thank you Michelle...i keep falling off the horse, but im gonna get back on...i quiet cold turkey and the withdrawals are nuthin nice!

You're welcome. Believe it or not I completely understand. I had an incompetent pain specialist taper me incorrectly. Thanks to his due diligence, I was in detox a year ago where I was so run down I got COVID and almost died.

Please, please, PLEASE make a meeting?!