Huge mistake , lesson learnt: I haven't had a drink

Huge mistake , lesson learnt: I haven't had a drink in two weeks and didn't meet friends in two weeks. I went out to meet friends on Saturday. Because I had nothing much to drink with them, I had 4 cups of coffee. Now I am wide awake at almost 5 am. FML


Yo Ajay. How's it going. Coffee man eh..:sunglasses:

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I did the same thing in early sobriety . I went to an AA meeting every day for after work at 8pm and would drink coffee like crazy . Definitely impacted sleep , but it was better than drinking . Congrats on making it through a hangout with your friends . I would encourage you to check out some AA meetings or other sober meetings and try to create a sober friend network . Have a good day !


Haha. Trying not to be that

I will try AA meeting. It's actually ten min walk from my house

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Hey man: I have heard that the effects of too much (or any in some cases, such as my own) alcohol can be cause for concern. I haven't heard too much on the subject of "too much coffee...":thinking: :relieved:

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Infact, it's an issue. Coffee should also be in moderation

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Then keep it to yourself. Too much coffee can mess up the following day. I avoid caffeine after 4pm especially in sobriety.

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I'm sorry Ajay. I know too much of anything can be bad. Now you know that you can't drink too much coffee after a certain time. Trust me, I know how you feel. I once drank a shot of espresso and was up for 24 hours.

On the bright side of this you don't have to worry about drunk texting or losing your job.

Hang in there. I'm proud of you.

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I used to have that problem with caffine. Now I have blood type caffeinated. I can drink right up to bed time. I remember the first time coffee kept me up all sucked.