Howdy all πŸ‘‹

I'm Ryan, I'm 33 years old and have been an alcoholic/addict for almost half of them. I currently have 5 days without a drink after having 7 months and graduating from a 6 month inpatient program. Obviously, I slipped recently up and it almost cost me everything. Although it was yet another painful lesson, at least it brought me to where I'm at now. I have over 3 years clean from any and all opiates but I just can't seen to put the damn bottle down. Anyways, I'm looking for other outlets where I can vent/share and share my progress one day at a time. Why not?


Welcome. I hope we can help you. A lot of us here have very similar stories, so we can totally relate.

Welcome.. Day 3.. staying busy after work is helping me..I think in the near future you might be able to lick my floors and possibly find the cure for COVID :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Hi Ryan. Welcome. You can definitely share your thoughts here. That's no problem at all. We would love to hear a daily update from you.

Congrats on being clean 3 years from opiates. Now, you're trying to be sober. That's pretty cool in my book.

I've heard a plethora of times that connection is the opposite of addiction. Find as much time as possible to connect with other sober folks. Continue to connect with us on Loosid, attend AA meetings, spend time with those in your life who are sober. It may be a conversation through Zoom. Look for opportunities to serve others.

Thank you everyone for reaching out!! So far so good today. I've been picking up shifts like crazy at work to keep occupied so my interactions on here may be limited. Last night was TOUGH for me because I was alone and had no one to hold me accountable or get in my way but I did it. If i can get through last night I can certainly get through today :call_me_hand:

keep up good struggling myself...tonight at 8 will be 24hrs for me without a drink!

That's awesome Oscar.

thank you :blush:

You're welcome

Hi everybody, congrats on you daily success. Per usual Amanda nailed it. Connections matter. We need validation for our efforts. Finding that through other means than alcohol and drugs is a crucial part of our recovery success. Have a great day folks! :sunglasses:

Hi Jade, I posted a " how to" Google that paper about the perception of self in recovery. Did you check it out?

It is on the site scroll down to blog&new postings. Then scroll down to September 2018. It is the 4th article; Recovery Rising Excerpt: singular, Spiritual, Religious. It is short but a good read. Enjoy😁 he writes about all angles of recovery I get his monthly postings.

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