How would you respond?

How would you respond? I opened up to a friend and told them I had a drinking problem (am an alcoholic) and they said they had no empathy for the disease. It struck me as a quick direct answer but I know everyone has their own experiences. I just didn't know what to say except, "that's ok." Thoughts?

Doesn’t sound like a friend to me. I’ve noticed my friend group has changed as it’s hard for my former group to understand that I’m dead serious about not drinking again. I also had a friend try and tell me it’s not a disease and it’s easy to just not drink ( he has a bad drinking problem too.) Needless to say, I do not communicate with him much anymore.

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I had some friends who thought I was joking when I quit drinking. I think they don't know what to do with me, they don't talk to me like they used to. Guess we weren't actually friends before. :man_shrugging:

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