How to know when it's time to cut those ties?

I'm finding it extremely hard for me not to give into temptation right now...Sad thing, It's not even out of my own random willingness or desire. It's because my S/O is always under the influence of something. I almost wanna do it out of much unhealthier can you get :roll_eyes:


Having been on both ends of that spectrum, I can relate. I learned that if you're recovering, sometimes cutting ties are an absolute necessity. If they're true friends, they'll want you to succeed, with or without them. If you're the one using and your S/O is in recovery… that's a slippery slope.

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I'm clean..he has bouts of cleanliness bit always falls back and it's becoming so frustrating.

Don't do that to yourself…

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Ask your sponsor

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I didn't..I'm good :grin:

I don't have one…I got clean on my own.. well..and with God of course. In fact, my willingness and strength for sobriety coming completely out of the blue, is what's made me such an avid believer in Devine Intervention.

When it effects your growth in any aspect of your life.