How’s everyone’s friday so far?

How’s everyone’s friday so far?

The same just relaxing looking for a friendly sober person to chat with

Great. Went to the gym. Now, I'm relaxing.

What are you doing this weekend?

Nice! I gotta get to the gym soon ughh

Catch up on some movies that are out sit outside get some air

Never had it sooooo good.

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Please pass it along !


Sorry to hear , you wanna chat ?

Give me a few making something to eat so I can take my meds

I’m good. 18 ppl at an in person meeting tonight. Biggest meeting of our group since I started attending.

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Fell asleep super early and now I’m wide awake!

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Ha me too! Good morning :grin:

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Funny you say that, I just had a big bowl of cereal.

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Haha what kind??

Mix of special K vanilla almond and strawberry. I couldn’t decide which one I really wanted...


Friday night drink was kombucha. A friend came over and I made healthy taco bowls. We stood in the driveway when she left and talked another hour. It was perfect


Love kombucha!

They all sound good!