How Long have you been a sober πŸ™ƒ

How Long have you been a sober :upside_down_face:


17 days

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Awesome Madison!

What about you how long have you been sober

37 years


Booze - a little over 5 years
Pot / Psychs - 130 days


403 days

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376 days!

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3 years :heart:

To be honest I lost count with the years. I was young, in my 20s. I didn't like how I felt. I didn't like how my mom looked at me. I hated who my dad was when he was intoxicated. My goal in life was not to be like him.

I been clean for 3 days sober for 5

19 days

Today will be day 1. I feel strong enough to do it!

Thank you for sharing it with me. I understand you and I know where you’re at. That meant a lot to me that you said that. So thank you very much.

Since October 1, 2020.

18 months

3 days :rofl::rofl::shushing_face::shushing_face: not so proud but heck I’m trying again!

90 days