How is everyone doing tonight ? Day 5 for me

How is everyone doing tonight ? Day 5 for me. Feeling strong. Bought some sleepytime tea. Hopefully it helps me sleep better.

Day 332 and it’s been a really rough one. When I was in my first 4 weeks I found that I liked sleep talk down meditations. Try it out. Look up Jason Stephenson on you tube.

I will check this out. Much appreciated.


Hang in there, you made it through the hardest days. Sleep does get easier! I drink herbal tea most nights and it seems to help. You Tube has some great videos and music that also can help. Perhaps try a sleep meditation stream and see if it helps too!

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Thank you.

Day 8 for me :grin: I'm getting there !!

Congratulations Tammy.

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Thank you

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Still looking for my day 1 scared :worried:

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Hang in there. This isn’t supposed to be easy. Surround yourself with positive people and hopefully you can find a sober group.

Keep it up man! As someone who has had sleep problems my entire life, I feel your pain

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