How helpful is it when you share your hurt

How helpful is it when you share your hurt and the response is “see a doctor” or “talk to a professional “ or “work the steps?”

Depends on what you did next. Helpful is what gets you to the next moment sober and safe.

Sometimes we don’t get the reinsert we want but we get the response we need, just may not know it YET.



People share what worked for them. People also have to protect themselves when providing advice. Because if they help you to the best of their ability and their advice harms you-they can get in legal trouble. I know it sucks when you need advice and it sounds like others aren't being helpful.
But it's a rough spot to help
others while chancing getting in trouble.

If you're CPR certified, and perform CPR on someone who needs it, and it doesn't work, the family and/or individual can sue you. Your only "crime" is rendering aid.

I find myself saying talk to a professional often because that's the safest thing I can say to protect you while protecting myself.

Hi Adrian. From my experience my hurt is/was subjective. I look at why I'm hurt, I express that hurt to and audience of my choosing based on need. In early recovery my audiences were my AA sponsor and my therapist. Over time/w practice asking and receiving help I began to be more resilient. And my audiences have grown. I had/have to still seek professional clinical assistance at times so I can have a better understanding of the "why".

Hope you feel better soon, have a great day. You deserve it. :grin: