How has trouble shutting their brain off when trying to

How has trouble shutting their brain off when trying to meditate? And any tips on shutting it off?


I try to get lost in the meditation music I'm listening to.


Listening to a guided meditation could be helpful.

Typically the "trick" has a lot to do with how you frame it.

I'd recommend listening to this:

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Shotgun in the mouth


Deep breathing, guided meditation, there is a new series on Netflix called Headspace. It has the best explanation about meditation and the science that explains how it works. Each episode it about 20 minutes and ends with a short guided meditation. The idea isn't to shut your brain down, it is to allow thoughts to flow freely without getting caught up or chasing any of them. It also strengthens the part of your brain responsible for happy and positive thinking. Things like focusing on your breathing give you a place to come back to when your mind wonder. Even sittinstill and relaxing is a form of meditation.

It is like any exercise, the more you do it the easier it gets.

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I’ll try that, thank you

Asking your brain not to think is like asking your heart not to beat.

We are taught in meditation to watch thoughts come and go without judgement or comment.

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Kade, that was pretty cool.

Meditation is huge! It’s tough but it gives your mind something to work on. Mental strength and all that! Close your eyes and tell yourself repeatedly “don’t think don’t think“ or picture one thing..and let it grow. A light..I splash in a puddle..

I'm a doer, that what I do, have trouble sitting still, sleeping but I'm improving. Actually enjoy meditation, taking in nature and journaling.