How does one ask for help at 25 years so

How does one ask for help at 26 years sober? I’ve been isolated and haven’t had a meeting or any contact with AA for six months..


You just asked. We are here for each other.

Thank You Anna

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Does AA work for you?

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If so, get to a meeting tomorrow morning, make it a goal and get your ass out of bed!

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I love AA. It's not a perfect program and it certainly doesn't have perfect people but it helps me keep things in perspective. I love that you have to give it away in order to keep it. I love hearing other people's story and I always say yes when people ask me to tell my story. I love sharing with new people and they are the most important people in the program. They remind me that alcohol is still trying to kill us all.

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I do the same thing at times think I’m cured and don’t go to meetings. I’m glad you reached out.

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Thanks everyone

Yeah it’s hard not to be comfortable at 26 years so I’m trying to do a 90 and 90 now

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The same way anyone with one day would ask for help

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There are on line meetings 24/7! I have 28 plus years and love the after hour or early morning no commute time meetings!


Man that was the hardest part for me but be proud of yourself cuz what you just did is how lives are saved. Def. biggest step good job.

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I work a lot and can’t drive so I got the NA app and do meetings online and the cool part is when I started I was shy and nervous so at first I didn’t have my camera on but man camera or not the people in the meetings are so welcoming. Def give it a shot.


You ask. I will have 30 years next Wednesday. My husband passed away six months ago. I still have to ask for help. This has been the hardest time I have had since I got sober June 16th 1991. I really don't know which time was worse. I do know how to reach out and how to get help when I need it. But sometimes even now it's hard to reach out for me. So do what you used to do and hang in. It sounds like you want to do 90 and 90 days. I would do that myself if we have more meetings near me but I go every time it's open close by. I also go to a zoom meeting. And go to grief groups. All these things help me. I wish you the best. Deborah

You’ve already made the first step, in my experience when I’ve had gaps in my recovery but stayed sober, it usually took me to get to a place of a whole lot of pain before I got back on track, you don’t have to get to that level.

Yes I’m gonna start doing that thanks

I just had my 26 year AA birthday. At years 5, 10, 15, and 20 I did my 12 steps all over again. I have had the same sponsor all this time and she is STRONG !

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I would say please help

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