How do you overcome temptation?

What do you do when you have the urge? Do you exercise, take a nap, call your sponsor, play games? What do you do?


All the above ! Whatever energy u put into avoiding that urge is the right thing to do !

Ride or shoot

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Call your sponsor and do something mundane. Your body will work and your mind will be occupied

Go for a long hike

All the above, plus relapsing.
And yoga, mindfullnes, and meditations.
I guess you could say im not easily amused.

Breathe. Deeply. Move my body or connect with someone :heart:

1 Corinthians 10:13 and if worse comes to worse RUN!!!!

I take myself out of the environment that’s tempting me for one. I either drive somewhere else, take a walk, go to a different place than the one triggering me.

I agree with Rory. Whatever it takes to not drink or use is the right thing to do!

I did some shooting when I got home earlier. Was just what I needed.