How do you locate a sponsor during this pandemic? I

How do you locate a sponsor during this pandemic?

I relapsed on drinking last night, I finally get passed the mind obsession and feel great being sober, I last about 2 weeks before I think I'm okay to have a drink (which I'm def not) now I'm sitting in on zoom meetings but I feel I need to do more. Tbh, I have a hard time getting thru the big book but I would like to find a sponsor and start step work because what I've been doing is NOT working.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

You’re doing the right things to move forward! I’m coming up on my 1 year. Remember that those two weeks at a time you are sober are not failures. Those are two weeks you are not drinking and it’s better than life was before :grin: send me a DM and I’ll see if I can connect you privately with people in your area. Many of the local groups have websites if you know where to look for it and service to other addicts is the 12th step.


How do I DM?

Hi Victoria. You go to the person's profile then tap send a message. First, you have to be friends. If you're not friends, yet, go to the profile then tap send friend request.

I know the meetings are virtual- but do you have a contact email to send a message requesting a sponsor?