How do you healthily date in early recovery?

How do you healthily date in early recovery?


In early recovery, sobriety has to come before everything else. Healthy dating will come when one is healthy enough to date. If you put the cart before the horse, it won't go anywhere.


I totally agree with Matthews comment. Sobriety first.

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Where sobriety first is always key, it is possible to keep sobriety first and date. You just have to be open and honest about it from the start. If a perspective mate can't accept no alcohol means no alcohol, then run. I wouldn't trust that person for a second date or even finishing the first.

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I’m at 9 months sober, have been taking care of myself and simply struggling to connect with others

Believe me, I know the feeling. Just don't rush anything. I've found from my experience that I get what I need when the time is right. I totally get ya….

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I was talking to a beautiful girl I met at work. I mentioned a meeting. She is over 5 years clean and sober. Higher power is real.

Focus on your sobriety brother, I'm new to the sober life myself! I've had rehab girlfriends and girlfriends in early recovery! They never worked out for me! And I'm just speaking on my own experience!

You dOnT. You marry your higher power.