How do you fire your sponsor?

How do you fire your sponsor?

She was the only sponsor available, and I was desperate, but we don't really click. Also, she runs the meeting I consider my home meeting, and I want to keep going to that, but I don't want it to be awkward.

You need to be upfront. Sobriety needs to serve you and your mental health. I, as an actor, had a sponsor who was majoring in medicine for a while. One day I was like “dude- this isn’t serving me. I found myself not wanting to reach out because I knew how’d you respond.” Any sponsor worth their salt will be like- okay. Most will even help you network beyond them.

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Your fired.

Thanks everyone for your advice and encouragement. I told her I didn't feel like we were connecting in the way I needed to. She took it in stride and even said I could call her if I ever needed to. It wasn't anywhere as traumatic as my brain told me it would be!

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Glad she was adult about it.

Thanks. It was a relief. I don't like telling anyone no.

Most folks don't. The fear of rejection makes it hard. We get afraid that if we say no we will be rejected from even being connected. We are also afraid of seeming to reject connections

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I'm glad the relationship ended/changed in a good way.