How do you find peace sober?

How do you find peace sober?


My peace comes from being freed from the bondage of self.

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It's a struggle everyday but I have more clarity now then I ever did not sober. Just take your time and remain positive.

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You don't, peace finds you.

Be patient, stay strong, it will happen.

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Sounds familiar :relaxed:

Through prayer and trusting Jesus.


Meditation has helped me remain mindful and present.

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Sometimes you have to make your own peace. Circumstances can all be haywire but if you create your own peace within, all id's well.

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I didn’t know what peace was until I got sober and began living the 12 steps in all my affairs


It will bubble up and surprise the sh*t out of you. Be patient. Rest assured.


Going to meetings and working the steps.

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Time brings peace

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I’ve been focusing on w exercise and quality sleep to help me stay sober and be at peace.

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Thank you all for your input and experience!

Finding true joy, in the simple things I forgot can bring u happiness

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A Day at a time. Quality of life from choosing sobriety takes time. It's 10 miles into the woods and ten miles back out.

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