How do you cope with feeling alone?

Not in the mood to talk to anyone or be around anyone but feel lonely... if that makes sense.

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It does make sense. Be kind to yourself if you’re not already. Develop a loving and caring relationship with yourself and you’ll never be alone and that in of itself will also attract loving and caring people that you will want to talk to and spend time with. It might sound weird, but I’ve become my own best friend. Once I could love myself… which wasn’t easy… I found it a lot easier to love others and allow them to love me. Now I don’t feel lonely as often or feel alone in a crowd of people or feel like I’m being judged or worry about what people think of me. I just am who I am and today I’m ok with that because I am accepting of myself. Hope that helps :slightly_smiling_face::wink::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Def makes sense, expectations lead to disappointments especially in the company of ppl who don’t love us the way we want to be loved or understand us how we want to be understood. It’s a process of discovering that you can be your best company in those times. Doing what you love & channeling those feelings into a hobby old or new. I can only speak from my own experience but I def get what you mean.

Not something I have figured out yet. I just ride my motorcycle. I am comfortable with my own company but a different voice when figuring out where to go would be nice. Not counting on that happening, but it would be nice. Being alone in a metropolitan area with near a million people gets disappointing.

Try Find a hobby or activity u like