How do you cope if you have a mental illness

How do you cope if you have a mental illness on top of alcoholism besides going to meetings, like what do you do when you’re alone?

I put to gethrr 10 years while watching my lady that was bipolar before they called it that deconstruct her self over that ten year period, it was very difficult. But its possible

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I don’t have anyone so I’m alone too

I collect spiritual books and read them in the morning, helps keep me sane

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I practice box breathing whenever I start to get overwhelmed in sadness or madness- also start the day with breathing techniques- it does work


I believe that it works

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You maybe lonely but your not alone
Chat with someone on here


Is there a message button somewhere that I’m not seeing?

For some reason I can’t DM you?


I DM you

I don’t have the version where you pay so maybe that could be why...pretty sure it is

I see outside help. It’s the only way for me.

Me either

I’ve been recently going to a 12 step group called emotions anonymous. It’s for anyone that has mental health challenges. You can find there meeting list on: emotions Hope this helps. Kara

Also Finding a Dual Diagnosis Therapist might also be beneficial. Kara