How do people cope with loosing friends and invites social

how do people cope with the loss of friends and invites to social events that comes with not drinking? i somewhat recently moves back to the area, had a bunch of friends who were supposedly excited to have me back around, but after seeing them a couple times/them finding out i dont drink, the invites to shit just stop. I'm at a point where I'm comfortable being around groups and not drinking even if other people are, and they're aware I'm looking to connect with new people, but still.... suddenly not invited. I don't know if I'm just projecting more awkwardness/anxiety and am not fun to be with, or they're actually just not great friends. Do most people just give up on these relationships? Where do you meet people other than AA? The isolation struggs are real


Volunteer? I guess I just got lucky and found a crowd of ppl who don’t drink. Some are in recovery but there are lots of ppl out there who just don’t like alcohol.

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Alex, Thank you for sharing. For me I’m learning how to attract rather then chase. In my recovery I too feel that I can be around others who drink however I’m glad I’m not around them as I now find it not much fun hanging around people who drink. Most of my friends are in recovery. I’m content with doing things by myself. Like hiking, biking, reading and even bowling. I feel that once I’ve had a good amount of me time I’m able to really know who I am therefore I’ll be able to attract the types of people that I want in my life.
I would check out your local AA group to see if they are having any outside functions. Or even try a new meeting group you’ve never gone to. Also, you can search the website for certain dating sites. I’ve met some really awesome people that are sober there and become friends.
Keep your head up. Remember God will guide you through all your struggles. God will remove the people God feels are not good for you at that time of your life. I’ve had people removed only to reconnect at a different time as now I’m in a better place. Have a wonderful day filled love and peace within my friend.

I agree with Kevin. You have an opportunity to build a life of attraction. Do you. Work on what’s best for you. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. People will see you and they’ll start to want what you are building. Be patient and never lose hope.
I had to accept that people, places, and things will never be the same. It was hard but it was the best decision I’ve ever made!

If I had a penny for everyone who disappeared when I got sober, I’d have to learn to count. Seriously though, I have seen so many friends up and make like a dandelion... poof.

It would be good to stay a way go some time .like a year.we get stronger .filling lonely will go a way .like every thing takes time. These thing do not happen over night.every buddy wants things now.nothing happen that fast.