How do I

How do I quit and stay quit, and have a better life to go along with it? I hear AA, SMART recovery, controlled drinking, even just willpower. I've heard it's all in my head and I need to reprogram my brain to become unaddictable, just change my perspective on things. Do I keep track of my sober time, or just think positive and keep trying to do better. Do I need help, or can I do this on my own... Curious on thoughts...


I was 3yr sober before I relapses. AA is the only way for ME. I need to work a program of recovery to stay sober. It's been hard to Come back but I'm hitting my first meeting in two years today

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Get a sponsor and do the 12 steps of recovery. It's a proven solution. You dont have a substance problem you have a thinking problem. You have to get to the root of why u choose to drink or drug. Good luck. Half measures avail us nothing. Go all in !

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I chose AA because of my belief in God and prayer. It also taught me to truly humble myself and to get completely honest with myself. I had a strong sponsor to guide me. On May 1, I will be 26 years sober. Still taking it one day at a time.
You are over thinking. What do you think would work ? Do your research. AA works for ALOT of us but not for others. You might even try an AA meeting to see if it it's tools would help you.

I second finding the tools that work for you. I did a program using Action Commitment Therapy with a group and individual counseling. I tried AA and it didn't fit. Don't be afraid to explore different communities, give yourself grace, and congrats on taking this step!

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Well it's gonna take some work. Time to get honest with yourself. Are you willing to go the distance? Do you have a desire to stop and stay stopped? Are you open to new ideas about living sober? Can you put your trust in something other than yourself? If so than you are on your way my friend...

Mathew , I agree with everyone's comments but AA didn't work for me either but I have to agree with Rob and Josh that you need to find yourself and the willing power. But everyone is different..but to be honest I would've never known of recovery starting with AA.. but I'm not here to judge, I'm here for Support

AA works if u do it the right way. Have u tried working with the steps with an actual sponsor. The steps are the program that will take away the obsession to drink or drug away as well as set you free from your stinking thinking . It works it's a proven solution.

The best thing I think I could say is this....we cant do it alone.

Get to a meeting. Only thing that has ever worked for me.