How do I successfully get sober

How do I successfully get sober

Hey Kim, try finding a program or support group and get after it. Go to meetings, find some humility and learn. There is no alternative or softer way that will work. Pretty sure we have all tried :wink:
Good luck and reach out to the community, they are great!


Hi Kim, we don't know, what we don't know. Get around some like minded people to learn how they have found success. Maybe therapy. There is an acronym HOW. Honest Open Willing. My experience with this is as follows; be as honest as we can be with ourselves and others. Be open minded to suggestions and willing to pursue those suggestions. I was so desperate for recovery had someone told me if I drank shark piss would keep me sober another day I would have considered it, thank God nobody suggested it or volunteered to go first, I am pretty sure I would have followed suit. .lol just kidding ( I think​:flushed::white_flag:) my point is hold a degree of scepticism ask lots of questions. Ask your self I am I being honest, am I being open minded, am I willing to take action.

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If nothing changes , nothing changes . AA is a great place to start . Even if you don’t mesh with the “program” , you can still use it to network and meet other sober people . Also check out Cafe RE. Private Facebook sobriety group with daily webinars and tons of great resources . You have to be willing to change your environment and daily routine . It is possible .

Programs ..lots and lots of meetings. I mean LOTS . Lots of people in AA checking on you and A SPONSOR

Your probably going to lose a lot of friends, unfortunately it’s part of it.