How do I go listen to live music sober?

How do I go listen to live music sober? I can

Go with other sober people. Remember that you’re there for the music. Remember that the actions of others have zero control over you. Drive yourself so you can bail if you need to. Play the tape all the way through before you even leave your house. What happens when you let the disease run your life? Guilt, shame, remorse, feeling sick, getting arrested, court, lawyers, jail, death. Then remember what happens when you stay sober. Good decisions. Happy memories. No regrets.


Find a solid sober woman to go with. Start with an arena show where the bar is not the main attraction.

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How? Go in and not indulge. Make good decisions and it'll get easier each time. All the best!


I agree with Nicole, you can always do this on your own.

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Thanks all, I appreciate you taking the time to give me advice. I'm newly sober and haven't done much socializing due to the pandemic. I'll give it a try and if it's too much, I'll bail :v:

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Hey :wave:, I was worried about the same thing but festivals and live music are my favorite things to do. I am planning to just keep that in mind and hey save $$ on those over priced cocktails and not be worried about putting myself in dangerous situations blacking out in odd and unsafe places. :yellow_heart::v:


I was also worried about those places. Great advise by everyone!

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