How did it come to this?

Four weeks sober tomorrow. Off to a marriage counselor in 40 minutes to try and salvage a 31 year marriage. Not even sure I will have a home to come back to in 2 hours. How did i let it come to this?

Hi Roger. If your spouse is willing to attend marriage counseling with you sounds like neither one of you are ready to let go. This is a great sign.

Be calm. Be sure to own your mistakes. Show empathy.

Hang in, wishing you the best.

Cunning, baffling, powerful. As addicts/alcoholics, part of our disease is that we don't think we have a disease. You did not do anything intentionally to cause problems in your life. And now that you understand you have had this problem, you can manage it and take steps to not only reconcile the damage caused but to begin to move forward and start making healthy decisions. Give it time, people will begin to notice the change. Easy does it, one day at a time.

This cannot be understated. Alot of people think they can work on both at the same time, but truth is nothing will be right if you are not. I live this every day.

Been there. Kicked out 18?years ago. Did not see my children for 5 years. I pulled my pants up and made a great life for myself. Government job, successful landscaping business, active in my church, do so much for my community. Financially very successful; However, I have been for years, a closet alcoholic. I pray for you in your situation, I pray I can stop drinking